Logical Transition Examples—To Draw an Analogy or Compare
Here are a few examples of how the Greats analogize and compare cases, facts, and contexts. Case citations have been replaced by “. . .” to shorten these passages and to allow you to digest them more easily. As in X, Y Example from Seth Waxman: “The Federal Circuit reasoned that the relevant ‘act of infringement’ […]
Syntax: Split Infinitives
Split Infinitive: What Is a Split Infinitive? A split infinitive involves placing an adverb or other word/phrase between the word “to” and an infinitive verb (e.g. “go”): “to boldly go”. Historically, there was a rule against splitting infinitives. But the reasons for such a rule are antiquated and have no application to today’s legal-writing landscape. Rule: Split the infinitive […]
Logical Transition Examples—To Provide Another Point
Does enumerating your supporting reasons with “First . . . Second . . . Third . . .” feel too stilted and wooden? Instead, try sprinkling in some of these transition phrases to increase flow and supply a conversational feel. Case citations have been replaced by “. . .” to shorten these passages and to […]